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我們HKAWC的成立了五年,就是希望可以為各進修中的人士提供論文功課協助,為你們提供論文指導。 我們HKAWC的共有15位學術顧問,他們全部擁有碩士以上的學歷,當中分別有2位博士生和4位大學講師,並由2位教授領導。他們全部都是在本地和外國著名大學畢業和授教,如The University of Hong Kong、The University of Warwick、New York Univers

試前減壓系列 - 考試壓力冇有怕😎 Happy Tea Break Party🎉 - Chat and Play 在考試前減減壓,由外藉導師👱🏻 ♀️帶領小朋友,一邊吃小食🌮🥗🍎,一邊以英語交流🔠,舒緩温習壓力。 地點: 快樂互動大本營 九龍油麻地彌敦道518-520號彌敦行9樓C室 (油麻地地鐵站D出口步行1分鐘) 日期 時間: A 班- 25/5(五) 4-5pm B 班

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c商業 / 翻譯chloe

撰稿論文修改撰寫 Essay,論文諮詢指導、畢業論文指導, FYP指導, 大學
c商業 / 撰稿chloe

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Soybean oil - crude, unrefined, extraction, fat, vegetable, natural, liquid. It is made from seeds (beans) of soy commodity, the first grade, DSTU: 4534:2006. Without GMO.

Web India Solutions, a 9 year old creative hub of techies; who love to navigate through your ideas and make them virtual realities on any platform and with any theme you have in mind.

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G家居 / 園藝及戶外設備

Dahon HT060 摺車 - 白色 新舊: 二手 車類:摺疊車/小輪徑 貨品種類:成車 產品狀況:未售 售價:$750 數量:1 出名品牌大行 Dahon HT060 摺車 - 白色 全車保證100% 正常, 轉波 & break 100% 正常 有意請聯絡: 曹生 (5165 5160) 馬鞍山交收 / 試車 聯絡人:Kennedy Cho 聯絡電郵:kennedy_cho@yah

Clean Air Services ( CAS ), a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Clean Air Group (HK) Ltd., has engaged in air-conditioning design, installation and maintenance since the eighties. To cope with the todays
C商業 / 清潔及滅蟲Clean Air Services

Dogs with spinal disc disease causing pain or paralysis should be immediately assessed using myelography and can have spinal surgery to ensure their prompt recovery,Pets are usually in hospital for u
寵物 / 獸醫太平道寵物診所

Petsit Singapore Services offered by Petsit Singapore • Daily Pet sitting visits to your home to check on your pets while you’re on holiday or out of town on business trips • Taking y
P寵物 / 獸醫PETSIT
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